Wednesday, August 31, 2011

proud to be malaysian :)

finally today is the day of independence..
but the celebration is overwhelmed by the celebration of Eid-Fitr
that take place just a day before the Independence day.
doest matter, perhaps the celebration would be better the year after..
I'm hoping for it.

but sadly,
i this recent years,
independence days are not well celebrated,
the real spirit of the independence day is not shown by all Malaysians.
i wonder..
and keep on wondering..
what is actually their real aim to live on the Malaysia land.?
just to have a nice life without having to think or at least thank the past for fighting for the independence..
very sad..
terribly sad..
some even dare to question..
why do we need to celebrate the day.?
why this.? why that.?
1001 questions blurted out from their mouth.
the not thankful mouths..

dont they realize.
what passport they are holding?
what citizenship do they borne.?
where on earth do they live.?
no...they don't think that..
they just being so selfish..very selfish to the country..

these are the people we don't want..
these are the people that will first fled when the country is in war.
these are the people that brave enough to sell secret infos of the country to outsiders
these are the people are going to betray us in hard times.

they are the traitor,
they are the untrustworthy,
they are the coward,
they are the selfish,
they are the enemies in the blanket..

O Malaysians,
wake up,
from a deep dream,
we don't need a 3rd wave of British imperialist,
or the 2nd wave of the Japanese,
nor the communist,
to open the eyes of our Malaysians,
before things come to worst, 
appreciate and be thankful to the fighters,
that bravely fought for our beloved country,
sacrificing their lives,
to ensure that the next generation wont have to suffer as them.
but look, see, watch,
what we have actually done to pay them.?
golds for their families? bungalows for their wives.?
overseas education for their children? high position in military for their rewards.?
its just a dream..
just a say of thank you and a prayer so that they will be blessed in the hereafter is very much appreciated..
but how many of us has done this.?

O Malaysians,
think again.
appreciate before its too late..

wishing all MalaysiansHAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY.

tragedi malam rayaa.~ =.='

kucing oh kucing.
kenapa engkau kucing...
teringat irama lagu diatas masa zaman skola rendah..
alkisah nak dijadikan cerita..
pada malam raya nie..lepas balik bertakbir kat mesjid...
kitorang seeluarga sampai di rumah..
setelah men-take-away beberapa hidangan dari mcdonald...

kitorang terdengar kucing seang mengiau..
(is it the right term to use?)
so we look for sight of kitten everywhere at the garden..
but sadly it was nowhere to be found..
but..somehow...we manage to hear a faint meowing voice from the ...
huurm..what its english word.....=.='
lets make it simple..salur hujan.. stucked inside the 'salur'
poor kitten....but the real poor guy is me..
i have to somehow break the rainwater channel and get the kitten out..
it must be done,...
painstaking 2 hours.....
finally the kitten managed to be saved..
thanx god...

*one of the reason i dont like 4 footed pets*

Monday, August 29, 2011


which is mainly and mostly eaten during eid-fitr..

tonite?..think again~~
this morning..*3am*
I helped ma to 'menganyam ketupat' dude..
first impression..HELL hard..
but naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 
its nearly as simple as.ABC>?
nope..maybe GHI..ahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa......

strait to poooint DIN.~
foine..its bit hard at the first time..but.
as you move on, things will go smoother and smoother as you proceed with the second and third ketupat..

banyak cakap banyak bohong....
*my PLKN insturctor like to use that phrase..=..='' *

the result issss...


nie baru sikit..ada lagi yg laen~> ;D


صباح الخير
كيف حالك الاخي و الاختي؟

havent talk in arabic for a few months..
only a few common vacabs still stick at my head..
need more improvement....ok..later with that story. I wanna share bout a story of mine..
it happens at this eve...
at about the time to break fast..suddenly my mum went for somewhere..
which I barely remember..and left me with few dishes to be completed..
I..who used to boast to my mum about cooking..
always say.."ma, its just easy stuffs to cook, chillax"
and now, facing a 'quite' great challenge.......
its only 2 option...finish the dishes before ma arrived home..or faced the laughter...-.-''
I wasss...urrr...okeaaaay foine.~ lets rock the kitcheeeen.!! XD

first..making the 'kuih cara'
huuurm..quite easy dish..buut...
mum got surprises..she asked me to go with 3 tasks..
finish the kuih, boil the eggs, and fry the prawn and cuttlefish with the kentucky four..
 the first is quite simple...tho I take quite a few tries to make it just right.
:) and got few scalds on my hands..o.O ahahaaa..

the second is very simple..
but the third...
I was likeeee...omaigowd..
first I fry can just put the flour it wont turn into the right result..
aaaand, I remembered ma says..'watch out when u fry the squids, the oil might pop out'
makes me scared stiff.....-.-''
the part that I feared the most..
as soon as I put the squid in...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
things happen..oil popping out...
I was like ..*kalau kena tangan, bole masak kulit nie*
luckily nothing SO bad happened..just few scars......


hahahaaaa..more dish to be practice...
hopefully I can beat that young ladyyyy....:P haha..
tahabes2 dgn western diaa...
*ops sowwy kalau terasaa org tuuu*

and the last word...
sayang ma saya..:D

Thursday, August 25, 2011

the last day kat KMB.....:(

owkie dokieeee.....
semalaaam adalah hari terakhir saya kat KMB.......

think again.~
naah..terakhir untuk this year's Ramadan.huhu..
and kitorang adala tangkap beberapa gambar yang aku rasa sangat nice..
untuk di share bersama korang.~

gambar classmates ku :) (ada org tu begambar, sepet2 mata dia;P )

(nanti aku letakkan..sekarang ni nak pgy dentist plak~)

majlis berbuka puasa sama menteri.:)

last tuesday,
dato' seri shafie afdal gave a visit to our college,
and break fast with the communities nearby.
and announcing the transformation programme of KMB.
if not mistaken (RM 10 million worth)

.................summarize the story.........................

there's a phrase that i like the most during his talk at the surau...:)

"doing the RIGHT thing at the RIGHT time
 is the most important thing to do
 to ensure the success"

Monday, August 22, 2011

kenakalan ... -.-'

pada satu malam yang dingin lagi sejuk sehingga meresap ke tulang hitam...
setelah selesai meeting club...pada pukul 12 am.. -.-' (rupanya jamuan jeee)
saya pon..menelefon la..
menelefon sapaaaa.? 
adalaaah orang tuu...biarlah that..
dia tak segan atau blush masa tgah baca post nie. ;)

okaaay..syahdan makan setelah jamuan itu,
saya menelefon orang yang dimasudkan tadi..
hellooooo...(suara org tu baru bgn tido)
rasa mcm nak bkan sapa pon nampak..-.-' haha
rupanyaa orang tu pown dah nak titoooo....
dah ngantoook...(tadi bajet ngan aku nak minum nescafe..blaa laaa :P..)
im sure that orang tu dah sangat exhausted...
and da ready nak titooo...

so..nak dipendekkan cerita..
and more to straight to the point
tengah borak2 niee....
orang kat sana tu macam da mamai...
and tgah bork satu topik yg agak sengal..
dia bleyh cakap dgn saya...
"hahaa, takpa, nanti saya tenyeh muka awak dgn bnda tu"
aku macaaaam...

so ..itulah sajaa...uhuhuhuhhuhuuu...
tanak cita pepanjang...nanti orang baca dia segan..:P

Sunday, August 21, 2011

life scene (III)

weekends kat KMB...
KMB sangat lengang...
macam bandar under siege..
gaya macam baru kena tawan Jepun..
orang sangat sukar kelihatan...
kalau hanya ternampak pown..
kelibat-kelibat manusia..

alangkah bagus kalau hari2 biasa kat KMB macam ni.


Friday, August 19, 2011

life scene 2

baru siap lab repot and print.....

mood :sangat ngantooks..


Saturday, August 13, 2011

my first poem :)

beautiful you

your face is like a shimmering light,
glowing in the darkness of the night,
shining the horizon,
blooms as in the spring,

tell me, others are just too good to be true,
masked by the fakes and lies,
tell me, that they are just shadows,
wandering around, catching me off from you,

O beauty,
I look into your eyes,
I see the true of you,
Enchanting me,

You are an angel,
gifted by God,
to me,
and only me.