finally today is the day of independence..
but the celebration is overwhelmed by the celebration of Eid-Fitr
that take place just a day before the Independence day.
doest matter, perhaps the celebration would be better the year after..
I'm hoping for it.
but sadly,
i this recent years,
independence days are not well celebrated,
the real spirit of the independence day is not shown by all Malaysians.
i wonder..
and keep on wondering..
what is actually their real aim to live on the Malaysia land.?
just to have a nice life without having to think or at least thank the past for fighting for the independence..
very sad..
terribly sad..
some even dare to question..
why do we need to celebrate the day.?
why this.? why that.?
1001 questions blurted out from their mouth.
the not thankful mouths..
dont they realize.
what passport they are holding?
what citizenship do they borne.?
where on earth do they live.?
no...they don't think that..
they just being so selfish..very selfish to the country..
these are the people we don't want..
these are the people that will first fled when the country is in war.
these are the people that brave enough to sell secret infos of the country to outsiders
these are the people are going to betray us in hard times.
they are the traitor,
they are the untrustworthy,
they are the coward,
they are the selfish,
they are the enemies in the blanket..
wake up,
from a deep dream,
we don't need a 3rd wave of British imperialist,
or the 2nd wave of the Japanese,
nor the communist,
to open the eyes of our Malaysians,
before things come to worst,
appreciate and be thankful to the fighters,
that bravely fought for our beloved country,
sacrificing their lives,
to ensure that the next generation wont have to suffer as them.
but look, see, watch,
what we have actually done to pay them.?
golds for their families? bungalows for their wives.?
overseas education for their children? high position in military for their rewards.?
its just a dream..
just a say of thank you and a prayer so that they will be blessed in the hereafter is very much appreciated..
but how many of us has done this.?
O Malaysians,
think again.
appreciate before its too late..
wishing all Malaysians, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY.